I am using this weeks posts to highlight one of my fellow bloggers Erica's blog "Fighting Chance Nutrition".Erica talks about how proper nourishment and exercise can be positive for our mind, body, and souls. This is very similar to what we have been talking about over here on Fuel yourself.
Over here on fuel yourself we talk a lot about properly fueling yourself and giving yourself your best chance in competition. I wanted to focus this week on looking at the bigger picture. Which is what I think Erica's blog does great job of doing. She really emphasizes how we can work on improving a healthy lifestyle during these difficult times of Covid-19. I am personally a fan and have learned some tips from her page that I will be using during this pandemic. I encourage you all to go and check her page!
Spoiler alert she as a recipe that is a MUST-TRY!
Check it out! https://ericamullally.wixsite.com/fcnutrition